Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to Never Phull Phor Phillies!

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog, Never Phull Phor Phillies.Over the course of March and the regular season I'll be posting my insights, jokes, comments, and reviews of specific players or the team as a whole.

So here's a little bit about myself and extreme passion for the team we love and call the Philadelphia Phillies.

I'm 18 and live in Philadelphia. Growing up I never really followed baseball, let alone sports in general. My love for the team began when I received my Xbox 360 Magazine in the mail. The demo disc came with the demo for MLB2K9. Soon after I found myself playing the mere 3 innings against the Rays over, and over, and over, and over... Wait, where was I? Oh right, the demo. Soon it quickly evolved to watching the game and led into a passionate feeling I have for the team.

Like many Phillies fans I watched the game everyday. After watching the countless number of innings, pitches, at bats, and home runs it was finally October. I wasn't quite sure what to expect to be honest. Before I knew it the Phillies began their series against the Rockies in the 2009 NLDS and continued their dominance throughout the postseason. I don't think I can count how many cheers and emotions I let out that I couldn't contain at all, I had become a true fan.

I was pretty unsure what I wanted to do with my life, but the Phillies helped me with that. Cross proffesional baseball player for the Phillies off my list and the next best thing would be a sports journalist. I watch Daily News Live everyday, check the blogs, read articles from the likes of Todd Zolecki and David Murphy and could honestly see myself being a journalist.

Ok, so if you're still with me or even care about one word I typed above, I hope you continue to read this blog and comment on my articles which will be more focused on the team and not myself, but I am pretty awesome so you might beg me to write an autobiography.


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